Sunday, December 12, 2004

Writing Style

Ah yes, today has been interesting. Quite fun. Unproductive in the homework sense of the word, but extremely fun. Liz writes the best fairy tale adaptations ever!

So, I was thinking: What's my writing style? Am I secretly one of those deep, brooding writers? Am I sarcastic writer? Am I a silly writer? Can I manage poetic stuff? Can I manage hilarious stuff? I know I can never equal Liz in cynical hilarity, but could I manage other sorts of hilarity? I do tend to write about extremely ridiculous things or extremely serious things. So, weaving back and forth between theatre major and [quotation marks with hands] "emo" seems to be my style. But wait: Is that even a style? Will my style change in ten years? Will I finally be able to write something good in ten years? = )

There's a couple of writing styles I just idolize, and it seems that I'm not really good at any of them. Interesting concept: what if what you think is a crappy writing style is the best writing someone's ever seen in say, the ridiculous genre? Is it unethical to neglect your gift for ridiculousless in liu of another style you prize more highly, such as satire? Or is it unethical to settle for something less than what you love?

Maybe I'm just way tired. I think that could be it.

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