Monday, December 13, 2004


Today, after dinner (I spent three hours there) we were all sitting around outside Lottie, talking about random things and wasting time. It was wonderful. Somewhere along the way, Jess revealed the fact that if she had gotten cast in Wind of a Thousand Tales, the J-term theatre production, she would have stayed longer. She said, "So I guess you can blame Bethany." (Bethany, I gather, is the casting person, whatever they're called.) Liz, without thinking, replies, "So, does that mean we should be paying her?"

We all just sort of died laughing, and oohing, and saying how mean that was. Morris was especially flabbergasted. I'm not sure he's used to Liz's witty outbursts yet. She does come out with some good ones, that's for sure. As does the rest of the group! Between us, we keep each other in stitches the majority of the time. It was great.

Plus, I actually got a good deal of work done today. I finished my drawing final, which isn't as good as I'd like, but then nothing ever is. At least it's done, and I still have time to tweak it should I see the need. I also finished photoshopping all my pictures for the visual lit final. Now I only need to lay out the squares and layer my transparencies on top. After I make the transparencies. But that shouldn't take me more than half an hour.

Yes, today has been a good day.

And Jess, just so you know, we aren't paying Bethany (whoever she is) anything.

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