Thursday, December 16, 2004


I made it home everybody, safe, sound, and totally just running on adrenaline. I got 5 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I've been averaging about that much all finals week, and my eating schedule has been totally screwed up too. I have lotsa funny stories, but I really just want to hang out with my family and not think or type or anything right now, so you might get them later and you might not. At any rate I'll keep you loosely updated the next couple weeks.

Thanks again to Kaitlin for giving me a ride to the airport!

Ooh ooh! I had to page Mom at the airport! My plane got in about ten minutes early, so they missed seing me, so I asked a security guard to page them. I've always wanted to page someone. I finally got to. Abbi met me at the airport too, and Aaron. It was good. I feel like Christmas should be tomorrow.... But instead I'm heading to Ohio to see Tammi and Blake Matthew, and then back on Saturday, and off to Nashville on Sunday to go to a MWS concert with Abbi. Should be fun..... And maybe I'll even be able to catch up on some sleep!

Until Monday......

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