Monday, December 20, 2004


Ah yes, I'm here at trusty ol' Persephone, typing up the story of my life. Well, not quite.

Today has been lovely and lazy. I slept until 8:30 (I know! But my body's on a schedule - I couldn't convince it to sleep any longer, even though I tried.) and then, due to the fact that I had no clean pants, did laundry and didn't get dressed until close to noon. I read all morning. I highly recommend "Citizen of the Galaxy." It's quite good, even though the motivations are a little weak in places. But what are a few weak motivations compared to a good plot, a realistic and happy ending, and good character development? I'm also reading "Have Spacesuit - Will Travel" and it's good thus far. One of those really ironically funny books. I also just finished reading a Ngaio Marsh book (can you guess my chief occupation the last couple days?) which I really liked - I need to read the other two I got for Christmas. I like Inspector Alleyn, even if he's not quite a Lord Peter Wimsey.

I just got back from outside. I bundled up in all my recently acquired winter clothing and sallied forth, ready to do battle. It was all rather pointless to gear up since I just went outside to take some pictures, but it made me feel Christmasy. There's no snow, which I find inexpressibly depressing. What is it, five days before Christmas? And there's no snow. Oh well.

Yes, the neighbor boys are here. I mean, it's vacation, where else would they be? It's not like they have houses they could play at. It's not like we have a yard they could go out in. I think we adopted them and nobody told us. No, I don't really mind. It's a reminder of the reality of the situation, but sometimes I just want my house to myself. Particularly when I'm in my pajamas with no hope of getting dressed anytime soon and they decide to invade my room and use my computer.

Bored? I'm not bored. Why would I be bored? I have plenty of stuff to do..... OK, I'm bored out of my mind. But it's a lovely relaxing kind of bored. I think I'll go sit in the sun and soak up a little more boredom.

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

I just might take you up on the offer.... If I ever get back to PA.