Friday, July 14, 2006

millenium hand and shrimp

My mother says that if I ever want to have hope of dating anyone ever, I shouldn't blog.

OK, that was a bit of a mis-statement. What she really said was that anyone who read my blog would never, ever ask me out, even if they were attracted to me. Something about... dating advice? and me hating it. And me being extremely extremely prickly. Something along those lines.

What she didn't say, but she was probably thinking, is that my blog gets kind of manic sometimes. And depressive the other three-quarters. And face it, if you (a theoretical "you", not any "you" that might actually be reading this blog) thought I was as manic-depressive as my blog is, "you"'d never in a million years ask me out, even if "you" thought I was ridiculously attractive.

I don't know where I'm going with this, but I thought it was kind of funny. Railing about dating advice gets me... more dating advice! At least my mother has some legitimate reason to give me dating advice. Reason being, she's my mother. Um... they don't seem to need any more reason than that.

Speaking of which, I must now put my clothes away like a good little girl, and not dump them all over the floor (well, I thought I was nineteen and a grown-up).

"when life hands you sausage and sparklers, make performance art!"

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Whatever your blog might do, I'm sure your performance art will win him over.