Saturday, July 29, 2006

irony is going to a farewell party for your coworker and then finding out it's for you too. because you got laid off, but no one told you until now.

Irony is also coming home today and finding out that they called you and want you to come in, but not because they want you to work again - they just want you to come in and pick up the rest of the cake.

And I don't even like cake!

My life would make a great joke.


brenderlin said...

Wait a second, did you really get laid off from your job? Cause I was laughing at the joke until you said that it was actually your life. Then I felt like shit.

Should I?

I'm terribly confused.

ReformationGirl said...

Awww!!! Mackenzie! That's so sad! Did they give you any reason?

Mackenzie said...

Yes, I really got laid off from my job. I felt like crap for a while too, but then I laughed a lot. So don't feel bad. It IS actually really hysterical timing. Give a person and cake and lay them off!

They didn't give a reason... I think it's because the business is having a bad week, though, and the owner is maybe lacking the temperament to run a small business?