Saturday, July 01, 2006


This morning I had a turtle and a chocolate pecan biscotti for breakfast. The turtle wasn't a real turtle. It was white cocoa, caramel and macademia nut syrup, espresso and steamed milk combined in a blaze of cafe glory and topped off with whipped cream. The compensations for coming into work on a Saturday are unexpected and, sometimes, wonderful.

Last night I got lectured about dating again. This time, it was my employer, Vicki. I just nodded and smiled again. She got married the first time in 11th grade, and had her first child by the time she was 19. And she just got her 3rd divorce, so I guess she really just needed to talk, but I was still innerly-frustrated.

But I felt much better when I got back and found comments from my friends saying, "Call me if you're lonely!" I love you guys. I'll endeavor not to be afraid while I'm by myself, but if I am, your phones are so ringing off the hook.

"It's a difficult thing to be exposed to the new and strange worlds that you know nothing about and find your way. That's a big job. It's hard, without relying on past performances and finding your own little rut, which comforts you. It's a hard thing to be lost."
- Dorothea Lange

"a certain jagged energy as though they had landed from outer space and were trying to communicate not with our minds but with our livers or gall bladders or pancreases."
- Natalie Goldberg

"I guess this is my position: we, artists, claim that our art is necessary to the world, that it is necessary in a universal way. How then, if the world doesn't know it? What I mean is, if we make art inaccessible, 'high', set apart in some kind of academic tower, then it isn't necessary to 'the world' at all. I don't mean that we should make stupid work, or work that unequivocally supports the status quo, but don't you think we could stop being so snobbish about it all?"


brenderlin said...

Keep making them turtle lattes, and keep getting random dating advice from strangers.

(this is me randomly saying hi)

Anonymous said...

i like that last one