Sunday, July 30, 2006

is there anybody's children can tell me?

OK. I'm over being laid off. It sucks to lose two and a half weeks' worth of paychecks, but whatever. I even declined to chuck the cake up against a wall, that's how over it I am.

I had the craziest dream last night. I was the queen of somewhere, and I got kidnapped, but I shot people with my cellphone and ran away, and I was running down this dryads' path, and people were chasing me, and I was all like "I"ll shoot you with my cell phone!", and then I climbed up a hill and onto an overhanging tree and jumped down on the people that were following me, and I made it back to my capital city, and so I was the queen again. And also I threw some people down the stairs at one point. But it was OK because nobody died, not even when I shot them with my cell phone (there was this huge lag, too, between hitting the down button to make it fire and the bullet actually coming out, so it was super hard to aim).

What will Mackenzie do on her newly-acquired month-long vacation? What will she babble about next? Nobody knows. But stay tuned to find out.


Captain Shar said...

Sorry about getting laid off.

You could figure out a weekend when you can come from Grantham to Philly this fall! You are going to visit at least once, right?

Andrew said...

To an 80's jingle:

"After these messages... the Mackenzie show will be riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight back."

Mackenzie said...

I was thinking Fall Break might be a good time. Depending on how busy you guys are, of course. And probably you don't get fall break... but still.

I had forgotten all about those jingles. Dang, those were annoying. = )