Wednesday, July 26, 2006

but i haven't eaten in eight hours, and food is food, even when it's not

I was thinking today how similar poetry and innuendoes are. I know it sounds absurd, but just think about it. They're both a mental exercise by which you pack more than one meaning into a word or series of words. And sometime's they're both about sex, but that's really kind of incidental. Structurally, they're the same thing. So does this mean that dirty comedians have a sort of repressed talent for poetry? This could revolutionize the world of language.

You can tell I need something else to do to occupy the intellectual part of my brain. When you're in the habit of analyzing language and asking "what if", but don't have that much language available to analyze, you end up asking some weird questions.

Um... 20 pages and counting. Today I think I'll end up with less than I guessed.

"You must either make up a short poem about how much this bothers you, or let each player, in the order you choose, draw one card from your hand."

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