Monday, July 17, 2006

let there be light, and light abundantly

Persephone has developed terminal illness in her motherboard. Grrrar. Luckily, Dr. Dad is on the case, and they're flying in a transplant motherboard from Utah. There's a surprisingly short waiting list. Unlike hearts or lungs, or things like that. Y'know. Kidneys.

Also, the sun was this really cool coral color while I was coming home from work today. (Try saying "cool coral color" ten times fast! Or spell it right more than twice in a row.)

Also, I'm playing the gameboy advance! Which makes me chuckle. It's just like the old days when Pokeman Blue was the coolest game ever. I think I was ten or something. No, maybe older. I don't remember. I never did beat the Elite Four. I made it to the third one, but in all the excitement, I saved at that point, and my pokemon were really beat up, so I hadn't a hope in the world of winning, and couldn't go backward to beaf them up or anything either. Trapped! I think he was the dragon master? Yes? I sound like a nerd.

Does anyone else find it frustrating that the pokemon games tried to force cooperation with another human being into the equation? Personally, I hate video games that require teamwork (with a very few exceptions. And only then with people I already like). Especially if you have to cooperate with a human being you've never met in real life. It's just creepy.

Also! (And this is slightly less nerdy in my mind, but maybe not in yours.) I'm just days away (story time) from the midpoint of the book. Woot! I think I must have fifty pages or so now (typed, 10 point font, 1.5 space), so that bodes well for the overall length of the book. I'm not going to finish the roughdraft by the end of the summer, but it's exciting to think I'm nearing the halfway point. On the downhill slope. Close to reaching a goal. Um... some... other euphemism for reaching halfway.

'K. Love you buh-bye now.

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