Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Major Ouch

So, after going sledding the other day, I was pretty stiff, and my left knee was very bruised.

Then, last night, I fell down the stairs at work. So my bottom hurts and my hips hurt and my arms hurt.

Then, this morning, I banged my knee - the one I had formerly bruised - on a desk. And it hurts ridiculously much. Every time I bend it, it hurts like the dickens.

It's cold. And I'm bored. And I'm mat at C.S. Lewis for not finishing The Dark Tower, and I'm mad at my heater for not heating my room properly.

Ok, self-pitying portion of blog post over.

For the good news? J-term is over tomorrow! I'm ready for a little more variety, and I'm definitely ready not to have to wake up at 7 every morning. I shall now be able to sleep in until 8. "Praise the Lord and pass the tax rebates!" Also, I finished my book cover project! It looks pretty darn attractive, if I do say so myself. Especially considering the trouble I had coming up with a concept and starting the creation process. Professor Kasperak sounded pretty favorable too, which is generally a good sign. He was in a very good mood today.

Oh, and I went to an artist's talk yesterday afternoon, and that was good. It was really interesting. I didn't know what to expect, since it's only the third artist's talk I've ever been to, but it was really interesting. He was articulate, and had some interesting insights into the creation process.

And I picked up a drop/add class form today, so hopefully my schedule will make more sense by tomorrow. Also, I picked up an application for a double major. I have to set up a meeting with the chair of the English department to discuss it and get another advisor. I just hope he approves. I don't know why he wouldn't, but just the fact that I have to get approval makes me nervous.

When I went to pick up Zoe, Elle, and Noah from school yesterday, it started snowing.... The highways were good, but the little roads..... really really scary. I misjudged my first brake, and almost hit a car. Well, slight exaggeration. But I almost tailgated a car. I drove a grand total of 20 miles an hour the entire trip that I didn't spend on the highway. I have to say that it was really scary. I like highways. I don't like little roads. Who thought of putting a school in the absolute middle of nowhere anyway? No fears though - I made the trip safely.

Um.... on to the 'inklings' meeting I suppose.

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