Thursday, January 06, 2005


Once again my dorm room is freezing cold. I'm not sure why, because we closed the window. I'm huddled in blankets in front of my computer, waiting for its blazing warmth to warm my hands.... I miss having a fireplace. Not that we used it all that much on a regular basis.... But I do remember this one time when we had a blizzard in Ohio, and the power went out for a couple days and we slept in front of our fireplace in our sleeping bags. That was awesome. We also went sledding a whole bunch, and Mom didn't have to go in to work because of the snow. And we made snow ice cream. Mmm, great times.

IGDPS was about the same as yesterday, only less boring let-me-teach-you-how-to-use-photoshop stuff. The really crazy thing is, there are two graphic design classes this J-term. So there are 28 people using a computer lab with only 16 computers in it. Not a big deal during class times, but when it comes to working after class, it creates a lot of problems. We actually scheduled after-class lab hours to work in. Each class gets to use it on alternate days. I mean, I like structure as much as the next person (well, probably more), but that is ridiculous! So here I am, stuck doing nothing until 5 pm when the other class lets out, at which time I have to go do 3 hours worth of work. At least three hours worth of work. Then I have to go to work tonight too, at nine. So it's going to be interesting. I have several hours in the afternoon that I'm having trouble filling, and then I have several hours in the evening that I'll have trouble fitting everything into. Oh well.

I took a short nap this afternoon, so I feel a little bit better, but not much. I have so much trouble sleeping during the day, so to have fallen asleep for even half an hour is quite an acheivement. I must've really needed it. I can tell that I need more, but I just can't make myself sleep any longer. So.... I think I'll go read or something.


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