Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Ok, I take it all back - I want to move back south, where it's warm, and I don't have to walk across campus for meals and classes and I don't end up wearing three layers of clothing and still being cold in my own dorm room! I swear the heating's broken or something!

Oh, and did I mention that it's cold?

I like cold, in theory. I've been saying, "Oh, I can't wait for snow, I don't mind cold if there's snow!" Now that it's actually snowing, and it's actually freezing cold.... Well, I guess I'd just forgotten how cold the reality of it is....

I admit, it's beautiful outside. Sunny, with that perfect blue distant sky, and a few chattering leaves hanging grimly onto barren trees. A sort of white dusting of snow, with brown-green grass poking through. The wind is pretty sharp. It makes me tingle, and then of course I go numb.... But the tingling isn't disagreeable. I threw a snowball at a building. And of course I get to drink hot drinks and be all warm in blankets and stuff. So.... overall.... Once I'm awake and the sun is shining, I guess the cold isn't too bad.

But it's still freezing!

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