Wednesday, January 24, 2007

what i find depressing is that blogger now tells me how many posts i've written

and it's topped 500. I just feel like that's a lot of talking from one person. Hopefully at least some of them were amusing and/or worth reading. If you're going to tell me "No," then don't answer at all, please.

Alternate title for this post: "You won't let those robots eat me."

Weird thing: I think I might actually like the Flaming Lips. They crack me up a lot, and also they are mellow-sounding. But then I realize that the name of the band is the Flaming Lips, and somehow I am less sure that I like them. Their website is also pink. But maybe I should not let that prejudice me if I actually enjoy the music? This is also considering that I have only heard one album.

Mom: Do you know what a paradox is?
Avery: It's kind of like a metaphor.
Aaron: A paradox? It's a flying dinosaur!

Did I tell you about the new Minnemingo? Danielle has an amazing poem in it, and so does Kenny Johns (whoever that is). Actually he has two, but I really liked "The Glass Man and the Jazz Piano." Kenny Johns also wrote just about the best bio for the back of the volume. And I loved Julia & Heather's introductory letter. Also Helen Walker wrote the most amazing poem ever called "Talking to my Daughter as if my Words Might Help." I mean, it's amazing. In my opinion it's worth the five dollars just for Helen's poem.

On an unrelated note, I wish I was one of those students who would totally call my favorite professors by their first names, but I'm really afraid of offending someone. The closest I can get is calling Daniel Finch by both his names, and he specifically told us to call him by his first name if we wanted. It just feels odd. I got yelled at in ninth grade for not responding to my teachers with "ma'am," and I think it made me paranoid.

I miss all of you. I think that I should stay at Messiah for the rest of forever.


Anonymous said...

Well, when you grow up calling your teacher "Mom." It's hard to adjust to anything else. ;)


Anonymous said...

haha! That was a spontaneous out-loud laugh, because what Ruth says is TRUE, and I never thought about it before.

Also, I miss you too. And while I think it not impossible that age should wither and custom stale the not-quite-infinite variety of Grantham, I vote yes to staying in academe, and in close proximity to each other, for the rest of forever. Yes. :)

P.S. Yay for cautious optimism too.

Captain Shar said...

Whoa, template alert! You need to warn people before doing that!