Sunday, January 28, 2007

airplanes are more universal than potties

- Jenn

I. . . feel better, actually. Not sure why. It may be due to the fact that my headache is gone.

Aaron is 18! Wooh! I totally remember when he was like 5. Dude, I remember when he got the training wheels off his bike. = )

Epic Movie. . . not really worth seeing. Although when they installed Lucy onto her throne, and announced her title? That was amazing. But Emma? Yeah, I do like that movie an awful lot. And props to Abbi for watching it with me yet again. Jane Austen books somehow get really good adaptations. And yes, I'm aware that liking Emma makes me both really girly and really literature-geeky, but I'm at peace with that.

I exchanged dollars for some euros last week. And got a CD version of Italian, so I can hear what it sounds like! Also I resolved never to be reincarnated as a cow. And I realized that a semester is not that long of a time. It's not like I'm planning on moving permanently to Italy. Or even for a whole year. So it will be OK even if I freak out and become completely socially inept. Yes?

I know this post should be less self-absorbed. But really nothing ever happens here. I just think a lot. So when exciting things happen in Italy, I will be ten times more interesting.

[Aaron: "Just say: I'm not self-absorbed. I'm introspective."]

27 days till Italy.

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