Sunday, January 07, 2007


What do you think, emblazoned on the front of a black-as-the-human-soul t-shirt? And on the back it would say, "Dungeons and Bunnies since 2004." Unless, of course, Dungeons and Bunnies really started in 2005. I already have a font picked out: univers. Eh?

Today I went to the coffee shop. Pretty cool new building, I have to say. It makes me wish I was making a steady income in between now and leaving for Italy, so that I could justify wasting money on expensive coffee. But that would leave drastically less money for wasting on fun things in Europe, so I'm trying to have self-control. Apprently J personalities are the best at keeping their checkbooks balanced and sticking to budgets and that kind of thing.

Do people know their meyer's briggs personality indicators? We (most of my family) found out over Christmas break, and it was very interesting. I'm a pretty strong INFP, which is what Jean Corey (she taught Composition Theory and Pedagogy) thought. I think it's probably my English-major bit that's so fascinated by all the new words for classifying people's personalities. I mean, that's a large part of what we do as English majors, right? We list things, we describe things, we seek to define things (Helen Walker is always saying how powerful a good list is. She gave out an 'award' for it in my Advanced Writing class.). And the Meyer's-Brigg's test is a whole new handy little confetti-cupcake-mix of words to use in describing and listing, which in turn point out to us new patterns and ways of listing and describing. So. Meyer's-Brigg's. Whole lotta fun.

Dungeons and Bunnies t-shirts: Funny, but probably not practical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I realize that this may come a bit late, but...

Dungeons and Bunnies t-shirt = freakin' AMAZING. Just enough of an inside joke to leave people scratching their heads at our (sorry...YOUR) amazing wit, and not at the fact that we play D&D.

Oh yeah, Myers-Briggs. I'm an INFJ, if I recall correctly.