Saturday, January 13, 2007

amid the rumours and the expectations/and all the stories dreamt and lived

So, maybe I'm kind of behind the times. But have you guys seen either of these?

The National Beard Registry

An Onion article from like the year 2000.

Also, I'm behind the times on birthdays! This month Liz had a birthday, and Sharon will have a birthday! Wooh! Liz finally reached the fabled 21 years of age, so we know it's not actually an unattainable myth. = ) And Sharon will join the ranks of the 20-year-olds!

Also? I'm behind the times on my writing goals. But that is not such a fun story, so I will go back and work and talk to you later. When I have acheived said goals and no longer feel the sneaking finger of guilt poking me on the shoulder.

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