Tuesday, December 20, 2005

what the author intends with their work is just a single azure twinkle in the manifold lite-brite of interpretation.

I found that quote and absolutely had to use it. It's totally amazing, in so many ways.

My story about Mabyn is not going well. I think I've probably said that to everyone at least twice, but it never hurts to drive the point home. Not going well. I'm not sure if it's because I lack writing motivation, lack affection for the characters, or just plain lack the skill to translate from my head to paper. I think I have all of three paragraphs so far, most of which I will probably end up discarding. I'm still fumbling for a starting place, for some grip on where the story is going and what's important.

The dragon lady isn't going well either. I seem to have hit an insurmountable obstacle in the way I planned to have the plot proceed. So now I'm going to have to change it, but I'm not sure how. I could just change the characters, but I like them. So the plot will have to be tweaked. I'm just not sure how to do that without a blatant deus ex machina. I suppose I could... maybe just take the investigations in a different direction. I could maybe work that in without more than three extra pages.

Also, the poems I'm working on are not going well either. The one I've got the right metaphors for - I think - all except for what I want to say at the very end. I'm so lousy at resolutions. And the other poem I know what I want to say, but I can't find the right image at all. For some reason, I ended up with too many to choose from. That never happens.

The Christmas present thing, however, is going surprisingly well. I got Meredith's today. = D


jemmo said...

Sorry things isn't going well. Arg... aren't. Things aren't going well. Sometimes I hate being a grammarNazi... h'm, that sounds like being a femiNazi... only not. Yes, I got far too much sleep last night.

Anyway, I found Ben's Xanga. Is he going to think it's totally weird if I post a comment? (I will anyway, but it's just funnier if it creeps him out.)

Love and banana pants,

Mackenzie said...

OBVIOUSLY far too much sleep.

Benny! I mean... He's far too adult for me to call him that anymore. He might think it's kinda wierd, and he might be confused about which Jenn you are (I'm assuming he'll know at least one other Jennifer from school). But you can try it and find out.