Tuesday, December 27, 2005

i think i'm going to have to stop checking my e-mail first thing in the morning.

I'm not emotionally prepared for onslaughts first thing in the morning. Even if "first thing" happens to be at nearly ten o'clock. (I should also start setting my alarm.)

I've read about... five books in the past three days, not to mention the little bits and slices of other books I sort of find laying randomly around (...or that I steal from family members who were currently reading them). It's good to be home. Very good to be home.

There's hope on the horizon for Persephone. I optimistically hope that before I go back to college she will have recovered entirely. I think, though, that I will undoubtedly miss the deadline for the whole village-story-thing. Forgive me, my college companions, because it's not actually my fault.

Lots of peoples are coming to my house on Thursday (It was supposed to be Wednesday, but for some reason that I wasn't told their plans have changed.). So Mom's preparing menus with Grandma, and cleaning the house, and all that good stuff. We've lately instituted "tea time" at about 3:30 in the afternoon. We eat white-chocolate raspberry cheesecake and drink either tea or coffee. The cheesecake is ginormous, and really rich, so we have to peck away at it a little at a time. Mmm.... it's really good though. And we have lots of nice cheese and crackers and probably some smoked oysters hanging around in the fridge too, leftover from our special Christmas snackage. And chocolate. The house is brimful (is that a word?) of chocolate. I tell you, I like food really really a lot.

Also, I got a new pair of tennis shoes to replace the ones that have holes in them. Yay! = D


jemmo said...

Hooray for food! And people! Not so much with the e-mail, but that's okay. And tea-time. Tea-time sounds nifty.

Can't wait to see you in two days!

Captain Shar said...

Brimful is a nice word. And be sure to add my comment to the Lewis controversy a couple of posts ago.