Saturday, December 03, 2005

i had more comics to make you all laugh with, but i wrote which ones i wanted on my hand and then took a shower.

I hate it when that happens.

So, I'm getting totally excited that this is the last week of class, as well as freaking scared. Scared?

Because I'm aiming to do nine yards of weaving before the 14th, and parts are mysteriously missing off of all the looms in the studio.

And also because I have a seven page research paper to write before the 13th.

Of course, Lucy and Andrew wrote nine and eight page papers (respectively) in one night. I couldn't do that, but I can at least do three pages in a night. Maybe. If I don't particularly want them to be good pages.

Anyway, enough griping. I've got a lot to do, and by golly, I'm going to do it. I'm fortified with a longer-than-usual sleep, and I have (thanks to Mom) a large supply of hallowe'en candy at hand. I figure, every time I accomplish something I'll reward myself with candy. Shameless bribery works on little kids, so why not on college students?

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