Sunday, March 20, 2005


I am now done with the cardboard model portion of my Form Space and Media project. I feel so tired, so drained, so worried, and so relieved to be done. I have a feeling he'll rather hate all of mine, because I feel like they're rather typical, but I'm not terribly ashamed of any of them, and actually rather like one, so let whatever comes come.

I've been really close to tears more times today than I want to admit. It's sort of misleading to say that though, because none of them were really related to the maddening art project. They were more Palm-Sunday, gorgeous-misty-day-with-living-colors, friends-to-eat-lunch-with, random-thoughts-about-the-past-week, life-is-good, hymn-singing tears. The sort of tears I imagine one would feel when standing on holy ground. I feel like something really important happened today, and if I could just put my finger on what it was, I'd be singing about it. If I could put my finger on what happened that was so awe-inspiring and sacred-feeling.... Well, I think I'd run up to cemetary hill again and dance. Or maybe I'd be praying.

Today has been a quiet revolution. I guess that's what it all boils down to. Something happened today, and it changed the normal course of things. An invisible coup d'etat, led by a figure shrouded in singing shadows.

Yes, I'm being a bit melodramatic. But keep in mind that it's 12:17 at night, and that I've been under a lot of stress lately. Also keep in mind that we had an inspiring and challenging seven hour pro tempore meeting last night, and you can maybe put together some of the crazily-whirling jigsaw pieces flying around in my head at the moment.


Figuring out the cause of the quiet revolution must wait however. I'm going to go take a shower, get into my nice clean pajamas, put my art materials in order for the morning, and go to bed, probably listening to a bit of music and reading a few pages before hand. Yes, tomorrow begins another week.... But I almost feel equal to it. Come week! Come, throw your arrows at me, and then depart, because Easter weekend is coming soon....

And I'm content.

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

When you figure it out, I'd like to know. I love beautiful, shadowy, song-crying mysteries. When I get like that, though, I usually want to run and shout melodiously instead of cry, or else get very still and intense.