Friday, March 04, 2005

The Plan

Today I'm headed home. I was up till one last night packing and doing a load of laundry so I have underwear to wear today (I thought that was kind of important). And.... I was bad and skipped my first class this morning so I could pack and clean up before I leave. I feel like that's pretty important stuff to do though, and we were only going to be sketching small objects again, which I can do very well on my own over break. So, I skipped. I have some errands to run yet, and I need to eat breakfast sometime, but I'm pretty much set I think. I leave at about 4 pm PA time, and my flight leaves at 5:20 pm PA time.

It's so ironic that my body is finally on a schedule this week, and now I'm going home where I'll mess it all up again by getting too much sleep. = )

I should arrive home about 11 or 11:30 PA time, 10 or 10:30 AL time. I'm sure you'll hear from me after that, considering that I have become a compulsive blogger. Do you realize that I've been blogging pretty much every day for five months now? That's a lot of words! If anyone ever tried to catch up on the happenings of my life by reading the back issues of my blog they'd have their work seriously cut out for them.

I have to swim over spring break.... why on earth do the life fitness people not give us a break? OK, if they expect me to work out for an hour, they are seriously mistaken. Frankly, if they expect anyone to actually work out, they are ..... well, that word's not polite. But you get the idea.

Ok, I'm going to stop compulsively typing now and go eat breakfast. Good-bye everyone! [waves hand wildly at computer screen] Bye!


Liz said...

bye, mackenzie!! have an awesome break! don't work out. lie. lie to jesus college. i dare you. (just kidding. that would be evil. EEEVVIIILLL. like the anabaptists. i mean...i love all people...)

(oh, and i realize you're anabaptist, and the school is anabaptist, and i'm probably part anabaptist myself. don't be offended. i usually talk to shannon about the EEVVIIILLL anabaptists, and she's mennonite or something. so yeah. this is only a dramatization. no actual anabaptists were harmed in the making of this comment. all anabaptist demonization is done by trained professionals. don't try it at home. for one thing, your parents would probably freak out. FREAK OUT!)

love you, sweet

Mackenzie said...

Woah.... is someone a little bit hyper? Um.... Yeah. She found the hyper juice, someone stop her before she kills the world.... No, just kidding. I love it when you're full of energy! Yes, I'm an anabaptist as you know full well. And yes, Shannon is Mennonite. And it's OK, we're not [completely] evil, and we love charismatics anyway. In spite of.... something.... = )

Heeheehee.... Should everything be this funny?

Have fun freaking out this week! Yes!!!!! I LOVE SPRING BREAK!!!!!

First thing I did when I got home? raided the fridge.

Andrew said...

I'm a mennonite. Legally. Still not sure on that entire "war" issue, but I am a mennonite. And people seem to think I'm charismatic, too. I mean, charismatic in the good way, not the "Liz's Religion" way.