Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Prolific - Good or Evil?

Ok, so, it was a mistake to post before the end of the day. When will I learn that some of the funnest stuff happens at dinner? Never post before dinner! And quite a bit of my thinking happens at work! Never post before work!

I was thinking today (at work of course) that I write too much. And I mean way too much. I write at least 500 words a day in one venue or another, and that's on days without essays to write. I blog every day. Who in their right mind is going to read that much print?! It's depressing to think that I write so much not even my closest friends could possibly motivate themselves enough to read all of it.

We say "prolific" with awe, as if it's something good. But what if it's not? We never stop to ask ourselves if being prolific is a trial or not! We just assume it's a gift! But who wants to write if nothing good comes out? Or if no one reads it?

I've decided that I have some serious blogging ego issues. I like to see my words in print. Sad thing is, I'm not likely to stop blogging either, unless my readers cry out for it to stop (if this describes you, comment already! Oh wait. You won't have read this. Nevermind.). Otherwise I might keep pontificating in my little sector of the internet forever.

I dedicate this post to the few people who actually read my blog. Faithfully or not.... at least you read it. I even forgive you if you skim. I can't really blame you after all.

Today's favorite memory: Walking to dinner behind a group of (apparently attractive) girls. I noticed, about the same time they did, a large snowman off to the left of the Lottie entrance, and some random guy videotaping it. At that instant, the snowman spoke.... Something about "icy hot snowman is available".... Yes. They actually built a snowman around a guy. And he actually stayed in there for, I hear, several hours. Now that was funny performance art.


Andrew said...

Writing prolifically is like a cookie-- wait! I write, like, so much more than you! Are you saying I have an ego? Oh, wait. I do. Nevermind. I guess writing prolifically is just like a cookie.

And feel free to write as much as you want.

Liz said...

Writing a lot hones your writing abilities--which is a good thing, especially considering you english-major-ness.

Captain Shar said...

It's always better to have more to choose from...I wish I wrote more.