Saturday, May 20, 2006

writers are impossible

I'm not sure if I mean that in the sense that they really can't exist, or in the sense that they're very difficult to get along with. For example: I'm grumpy/mood-swing-y lately, and I think it's related to the creative impulse. I'm unmotivated, I'm sleeping too much, and I haven't made anything in a while (and by awhile I mean two weeks). And I it itches. I know some of you know what I'm talking about: that crazy internal restless itch. And I'm craving more sweets than I should, and I know that if I could just get some discipline and start making things I would probably feel a lot better, but it's just not working out. Although actually, all of the above symptoms could indicate PMS. Dang. So maybe it's not actually my fault that I'm grumpy. Well. Whatever.

I got through Miranda Field's book, Swallow, today. I think I like it. I don't understand any of it. Yet. That's at least one goal I'm progressing on: reading lots of books that are in some sense educational. Isn't it hysterical to be able to say taht you read for your job? I mean, it's work, but it's not work, and other people definitely don't think it's work.

And Chad and Amy got married! Which is super exciting, and much more important than the stuff I've been talking about, but I wasn't there, so I can't really talk about it. Congratulations, guys. You're married!

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