Wednesday, May 10, 2006

i got a speeding ticket

and to my surprise, speeding tickets aren't hundreds of dollars. No, I will not tell you how fast I was going. Suffice it so say I was in Virginia (where the cops apparently actually pay attention).

So yeah, the first day of travel was hard, in part because it finally sunk in that I was leaving and that I wouldn't see most of my friends for over a year. For really. An' I kinda miss you guys (already, yes).

But today was good and I got here at like 1 o'clock or something (AL time). I drove almost the whole way with the windows down because of paint fumes (until it started raining). And then I got here and we unpacked, saved a bird from Maggie, and talked a lot. Now comes the part of the day when I stop unpacking (I'm about halfway done) and start on some serious veg time.

Liz is very right: life savers are like the best ever for long trips.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yeah they are. Yay vegging. Boo Virginia. Love you.