Wednesday, May 31, 2006

she's got a midnight voice like a beckoning saint, she's got somethin' special but you she ain't

Anyone who has read Dune, read this comic.

For anyone who does or has ever been addicted to caffeine/worked in a coffeeshop, read this comic. And everyone else who gets confused with the new and different health crazes, read this one.

Did you guys hear about Haditha? The marines that killed a bunch of civilians?

Did you hear about the guy who patented a ropeless jump rope? Apparently it's great for people in mental institutions. Not even joking.

The great thing about summer is feeling sufficient. Waking up every morning and feeling like you can handle whatever the day throws your way. After the first couple weeks of school, I always feel a little subjugated.

And in other news, I might be working at the priceville store next week, where apparently you get better tips, but you also have to work alone. I'm a little nervous about being the responsible party, you know? Like today, a couple things went wrong with the register and the card-swipey thing and I had to have Phyllis come fix them, because I just didn't know what was going on. But I guess everything will work out OK. Good-bye for now, loves.


Captain Shar said...

Mackenzie vs. Card-Swipey-Thingy: my bet is on Mackenzie.

jemmo said...

Card-Swipey-Thingy: 1
Kenzie: 0

Beware, Card-Swipey-Thingy; Kenzie shall rise and overthrow thee when thou least expectest it. Then shall she subjugate thee to her will, and thou shalt do as she wills, for it shall be her will. And behold: Kenzie shall winnethest.