Tuesday, May 30, 2006

in praise of persistance

alternately titled "It's Not How You Pick Your Nose, It's Where You Put The Boogers."

No. The two titles don't have anything to do with each other. At least not that I can figure out. But as postmodernism teaches us, just because the author doesn't intend it doesn't mean that it isn't there.

Today was one of those days when you're writing, but you don't really want to write, and it's frustrating to sit there and make yourself write, and you don't know what's happening or going to happen and your every pen-mark is dogged by the thought that you'll have to write all this over again anyway, why bother?

At least that's how the first half of my writing-morning was. Then I realized that I was thinking in poem-cadence, so that's why all my prose was coming out stilted. So I went and wrote poetry, and then came back to prose and the voice came easier. And when I came back to the prose I decided to switch to narrating from a different character, and that worked really well, and I decided a large part of the character's make-up. And then, because of that, another character, the villain, just sort of dropped into my lap, and I think he's a decent villain, which is unusual for me. So, because the villain came in and pushed things along, I now know what happens next. So that's why the title of this post is "in praise of persistence." Because sometimes it really does work to just keep going, no matter how crappy it's going at the moment.

Whew! Long paragraph. Thanks for bearing with my artistic/writerly ramblings about my creative life. I miss you guys. And thanks for the overwhelmingly affirmative response that yes, writing and photography are work! Y'know though, I kinda wish I knew somebody who made their living as a writer so I could see firsthand what it's like. And the same for an artist.... But maybe I'd change my mind if I did. = ) So! Love is sent all your ways.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hey, I love the addition to your blog subtitle. The bit about the drugs and fairy tales. And I'm totally jealous of your writing skillzz. (Yes, you get two z's. Yeah, that was intentional. No, I'm fine. Tell the psychiatrists to go away.)