Friday, February 18, 2005

Randomity (And New Words)

I sort of randomly decided that I hate history.

And then I sort of randomly decided that I hate the internet, which makes you do stupid things, like spending half an hour looking for a history article that doesn't exist.

Today.... Yeah. I had some distraction problems. I tried to find the bathrooms on third floor Boyer, thinking they'd be right where the bathrooms always are - the same place, relatively, as they are on second floor and first floor. I couldn't find them. Not at all. So I decided, well, I'll just go down a floor, because I know where they are on second. They were there, right where they should've been. I still don't know why I couldn't find them on third floor.

I thought you'd enjoy that little Mackenzie tidbit.

I turned in my foamcore project today, and now I have to get started on phase 2. That is, working out a couple color palettes for approval on Monday. I'm thinking blues and red-browns, with maybe some grays - or some combination thereof. Maybe some yellow ochre or something. I enjoy color, so this part should be fun.

I've been working really hard the past couple months on some poetry. In real terms I probably haven't spent that much time on it, but it's harder than I've ever worked on poetry before, and a lot harder than I've worked on most stories. I sent the newly revised version into Professor Perrin the other day and recently heard back from her.... I mean, I didn't feel like it was that great, but at the same time, I didn't realize I still had that much work to be done. It's sort of discouraging. I wish I could.... I don't know. I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would be perfect. Instead, I'm going to go do a lot more work. I feel, however, that to give up would be.... uh.... giving up. And as those of you who know me know, That Is Simply Not An Option.

I definitely think that bed calls. This is evidenced by the horrible grammar and logic of.... well, of the entire post actually. So, off I go. Goodnight everyone.

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Press on to the ultimate!

I really like being epic.