Friday, February 04, 2005

Go Away

So.... I'm sick. As in.... don't want to do anything, couldn't sleep last night, chills, fever, aching, coughing, sick. I'm throwing a major pity party. Unfortunately, I have to go to at least my first class today because our first project is due.... and if I'm not there to turn it in, a lot of points get deducted.... And frankly, I can't afford losing any points.

I'm publishing my woes to the world! Because if you're sick, everyone needs to know and sympathize right? That makes it all better?

Just kidding. I'm not really that childish. But please pray for me, because today is gonna be.... not easy. Definitely not easy.


jemmo said...

er... um. Right. So. Anyway, get better soon! I need to tell you my woes. But you should get better anyway. Being sick is no fun.

Captain Shar said...

Feeling a little better today? I hope so. If I can do anything, let me know.