Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Intravenous Cookies

So I know it's really bad blogging etiquette to blog more than once a day. And yet here I am, blogging for the third time. In one day. I can only explain this strange fact by saying... OK, so I can't explain this strange fact. But as an excuse, I offer up my nonconformity. Take it or leave it as you will.

Have you ever felt.... I don't know if stressed is the right word. I don't know if sad is the right word. But have you ever felt emotionally underwater? There's so many emotions, of whatever type (I still can't decipher them, and trust me, I've been trying all day) that there's a huge pressure on your chest, so that it becomes - physically - almost hard to breathe?

I felt that way all day. And I felt sort of bad, because my friends tried really hard to cheer me up. I also felt bad because Liz felt bad, and I couldn't make her happy again, since I myself was struggling to breathe.

Somehow, I got through the day. And now I'm sitting here, at my desk, blogging. Mostly because I wanted an emotional outlet to hopefully continue to relieve the underwater feeling. Also because I wanted to tell you all (like you care) that I feel better now. I got home from work, and typed up the worst article I've ever written in my entire life, then popped on my headphones, and suddenly this wave of pure magical music swept over me. When I popped my headphones on, I popped to the surface, and smelled a sweet night breeze. I wasn't just listening to music, I was listening to an echo of the memories - the time I first heard the music. The friends who listened to this music. I was hearing four voices down by the river singing hymns together, even though half of us were in crappy moods.

I had no idea that music could be so wonderful.

Well, I did, or else I might not've put on my headphones. I'd forgotten though. Yes, I'm probably being very melodramatic, but it's late at night, and I can only suppose that I must be very stressed.

And now I'm talking to Jess, and we're laughing about eating cookies in class, and Jess came up with the brilliant idea of eating through an IV - putting the bag in your backpack and carrying around Intravenous Cookies. I almost feel like laughing. That's a welcome change. I can hear laughter, somewhere off in the distance. Maybe some thirteen-year-olds having the time of their lives.

So, my second recommendation of the day? Go listen to some music.

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Of course! Music always makes me so happy when I'm feeling completely blah. Oh, I should modify - my CDs or the classical station. The music in the bathroom definitely makes things worse. But I just get so much happier when I listen to Robin Mark, or some sonata on the radio. I've found what you said to be exactly true; when I'm emotionally underwater (nice way of putting it), music livens me up.