Sunday, February 27, 2005

Come on now...

C'mon now.... You can't really wonder how I know.... Use the little gray cells and all will become abundantly clear. = )

Ah, what the hey. I'm bored. I'm avoiding homework - yes, all three papers and the article, not to mention the two books and Judges, all due sometime this week. What better way to combine both activities than to fill out a survey? So here goes. Be prepared for.... um.... uh..... a survey. (They can be quite frightening you know)

_ Basics _

name- Persephone
age- 18 and almost-a-half
location- Solly basement computer lab.
gender- uh, gee, I dunno.... Possibly I'm a girl? yeah, that makes sense.
eye color- Some people say green and some people say gray. Personally I'd prefer green.
hair color- Brown. A nice, medium, normal brown. (The world is like a cookie - it's brown and complex.)
fears- uh.... spiders... needles.... large crowds of people.... in some cases, the dark.

_ Have You Ever _

called 911- Well, my babysitter did once. I remember how much trouble we got in.
had a dream come true- Sort of.
broken someones heart- I hope not. I'd feel quite bad.
had a boyfriend/girlfriend- *the fifth* (actually I'm not sure how to answer that question)

_ Favorites _

restaurant- Uh.... I'll jump for Fazoli's.
sport- swimming
hobby- Being dysfunctional. Or frolicking.
movie- Princess Bride, Importance of Being Earnest
holiday- Hm.... I like all holidays. Thanksgiving has a rather special place in my heart I suppose.
place in your house- Place in my dorm room? My bed. Place in my house? Somewhere near a window.
color- Green
drink- I don't.
snack- It depends. Chocolate or something salty.
time of day- uh....
tv show- ..... .... .... recess?

_The last_

I'm skipping this one. I don't care that much.

_This OR That _

salt OR pepper- salt
bbq OR regular- regular (that way if you want barbecue chips all you have to do is get barbecue sauce, and if you want ranch chips, you can get ranch dressing, etc etc.)
pink OR blue- Ok, is this seriously even a question?
blonde OR brunette- Black as the deepest part of my soul.
sugar OR spice- Sugar
rap OR rock- Is this a legitimate question? I think not.
camping OR boating- Why not both?
skateboarding OR surfing- neither

_Love Life_

I think I'll skip this one too....

_Have You Ever_

Been in Love~ I'd have to say no.
Fell off a chair~ Many many times, usually when I'm at my computer and the phone rings.
Slipped on Ice~ Heck yes.
Eaten Squid~ it's rubbery.
Flown on a plane~ thank goodness
Been on a Cruise~ who needs 'em anyway?
Wish you were someone else~ sort of. Mostly I wish I was an improved me.
Broken a body part~ nope.

_This OR That_ (again)
Strawberry OR Cherry~ Strawberry
Peanut Butter OR Jelly~ Jelly
Library OR A Football Game~ So... this is a question why?
Fall OR Spring~ Fall! Heck yes!
Backstreet Boys OR Spice Girls~ I'll pretend I didn't see that, and I'll do my best to pretend there isn't anyone out there who likes either.
OJ OR Milk~ Milk
Lunch OR Dinner~ mm.... both.
Spider OR Bee~ Bee. Without a doubt.
July OR December~ I dunno. December I think.

_Word Association_

Snow~ blue/flakes (pretty much simultaneously)
Rain~ thunder (actually a scene pops into my head, but I'll spare you the description and just say thunder)
Orginal~ writing
Unique~ food
Mail~ food packages
Trash~ need to take out
Ever~ never
Pepper~ green
Sugar~ diet
Sun~ warm

So, I hope you all enjoyed that, and for those people who just skimmed over it (I know, surveys are boring. I don't blame you) here's a little bit of real news: I have a ton of homework, it's snowing dump trucks (we're supposed to get 6-10 inches), consequently causing my dinner with Prof Perrin to be cancelled, I got to take a prospective with me to art class this morning,and Morris commented that I was wearing contacts. That really has nothing to do with anything, but it was nice not to be ignored. My art project..... I hated it. But it's over and done with, so I'm going to move on to bigger and better (and infinitely more confusing) projects. The new one involves something about small objects and flat planes. Should be interesting. Prof Botts did a bit of frolicking today.... uh.... Scott was not in Bible class, which I suppose shouldn't be surprising considering how angry he got in the last class (he's the one I told you about who asked good questions. Last class he totally lost it though. Got upset when Dr. Miller said that praying to anyone other than God - ie saints - was wrong.).

Yeah, that's about it. I've decided that I like Liz S. - Scutieri? - (have no idea how to spell her last name, but it's not the normal Liz) a lot - she was great with the prospective and is not as opinionated or competitive as a lot of the other art majors. Plus I just like her art a lot, and that's bound to prejudice one.

So.... yeah. I should stop procrastinating now. Have a wonderfully white day! I think after dinner I'll go frolic in the snow.

Oh, wait, that reminds me. I thought of this idea for the performance art.... map out a snowflake. (Yes, there's more to it than that) Then, find a big field somewhere with lots of snow. Get a whole bunch of people together. Have them walk single file into the field (so as to disturb the snow as little as possible), arrange them so that when they lay down they'll form the snowflake you previously mapped out. Some people when they lay down will make snow angels, and some will just lay flat, but wouldn't that be totally awesome? And of course they'd all have to lay down at the same time. I wonder if it'd work? Feedback anyone?

1 comment:

jemmo said...

Kee's answer to Backstreet Boys or Spice Girls was "a bullet in the head." I liked it.