Wednesday, February 02, 2005

And then I forgot to Post It.


Bow before the might of a (now) official double major Mwahahaha

And I, in turn, would bow before whoever could keep my computer working. Or rather, keep the network from kicking my computer off. Poor Persephone is getting quite sore from all that kicking. She's absolutely a mass of bruises.

= (

Ok, in all seriousness..... It's been good thus far. I'm almost giddy because I haven't forgotten anything or seriously screwed up yet. Spring semester has been.... yeah. Interesting. Busy. I need to get used to the whole new schedule. I'm taking 19 credit hours total, plus working, writing for the newspaper, and doing a Bible study.

I have a ton of homework right now, so I'll keep it short and attempt to motivate myself. I'll attempt to give a synopsis of my courses and profs later though. And I will also attempt to post more regularly. I feel horrible that it's been so long.

Alright then. Off to finish that homework.

Right.... Like I'll ever be done with homework. Not until the end of the semester certainly.


jemmo said...

Hurrah! Kenzie blogged!

*does happy shuffle because dancing is frowned upon at Taylor*

Captain Shar said...

With all due reverence, I've never heard you laugh like that. Sounds very impressive on the computer, though.