Thursday, February 10, 2005

Prancing Profs

I don't know if I've made the hilarity of my professors clear to you before. For some weird, unknown reason, I ended up with two professors, almost physically opposite, who prance. Today, Prof Cob added this weird sort of hand waggle to his happy little moral judgment prace. I either can't pay attention in that class because it's so freaking boring, or because I'm having to suppress gales of laughter. The hippie santa clauseness plus the prancingness.... Oh yes. It makes for endless amusement!

And then there's Professor Botts. He's about six foot tall, maybe even taller. The only physical resemblance he bears to Professor Cobb is that they both have longish hair and goatees (although Prof Cobb's is really a bushy sort of beard). Prof Cobb is short. Prof Botts is tall. Prof Cobb has white hair. Prof Botts has really dark brown hair. Prof Cobb is round. Prof Botts is skinny as a rail. He reminds me of nothing so much as an eccentric and artistic marshwiggle. And.... to suddenly see a marshwiggle prance.... Let me tell you, it's amazing. It's so far beyond amazing.... In that moment, my brain was melted down and re-assembled inside out.

It was almost as amazing as Kaitlin's rendition of her "Leaf by Niggle" dance. I tell you, I will never be the same again!


Captain Shar said...

Please, Mackenzie, I want to see the Leaf By Niggle dance. And, the whole marshwiggle prancing thing made me laugh just reading it!

Liz said...

Haha. Mackenzie, you find all the funniest stuff in life. :) It rocks my face off.

jemmo said...

What fun profs! I see visions of Alex Babich, forty years from now...