Monday, February 14, 2005

Climbing Through Windows

This just happens to be the Obligatory Valentine's Day Post. Don't You Feel Lucky.

I have to say that this is one of the most enjoyable Valentine's days I've had in a while, mostly because no one I know is really celebrating it. Granted, I may change my opinion after dinner - they're even putting tablecloths on the tables, and making a special meal. That could well sour me on the whole thing. But it's good because I got a food package from Mom, and, again, practically no one I know is celebrating it. Plus I just keep thinking of it as Jess's birthday rather than as Valentine's Day. And I'm not wearing pink. Yay for not wearing pink!

And, for some reason, I just don't feel depressed. It could be the wonderful hilarity that was yesterday.

Dinner, for some reason, lasted a really long time. I think we were all procrastinating, and when you get four or five procrastinators together, there's no end to the ingenuity of the excuses. Eventually though, we did end up leaving, and went our seperate ways to "work really hard" (read: procrastinate). I myself went back to my room to "read history" (read: fall asleep as soon as possible - I swear, if you have insomnia, just break out the World Civ and you'll be gone in no time). Liz came in, because for some reason there's this creepy stalker guy on campus who's been harassing women on the phone and we've all been warned not to go anywhere by ourselves at night. Liz had been going to go to the schoolhouse and work on her monologue, but then sort of got creeped out by the fact that it was all dark and creepy. So she came to my room instead, where she promptly developed a monolgue complex. All of this is the say that we didn't get anything done. We called Matt twice to try and convince him to come for a walk with us, but that didn't work.

Then we realized that there were extended visiting hours for Little Sibs Weekend! Oh the joy! We decided it was necessary to stalk Matt. So we frolicked out of Solly, over to Miller, and decided that we really didn't want to walk through his floor on the way to his room, because "guys floors are a little sketchy" (according to Liz), and instead decided to throw rocks at his window. Matt's window, for those of you who don't know, is flush with the ground. But we decided (at this point we were incredibly slap-happy) that it would be funny to throw rocks at it like they do in movies - like it was really far off the ground and we couldn't reach it. So Matt came to the window, and we enlightened him as to the fact that there were extended visiting hours! After which Liz really wanted to climb through the window, but we decided that was a little creepy (and by we I mean Matt and me). So then Liz and I went and hung out in Matt's room for a while (using the door of course, like normal people - I mean, why on earth would we climb in the window?!). And then I left at about ten thirty to go write my art history paper. Which I managed to do in an hour flat, thanks to the inspiration of a really good laugh, or, in this case, several hours of really good laughs.

Today was good too - in Bible this kid Scott, who usually comes up with these brilliant questions, was being a little.... I want to say "childish" but I'm not sure if that's the word or not. We were talking about how the church has distorted God's covenants to mean that the church has replaced Israel as the chosen people, and several people questioned why God chose the Israelites over other people. This, in turn, set Scott off on why did God choose Jacob over Esau? And isn't it really very arbitrary? He kept saying that it wasn't fair, and "I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with that....." Yes, that's right Scott, disagree with God. I'm sure that'll get you far.

No, seriously, it was good that he was asking questions, and some of them pretty difficult at that, but it was just really funny that he suddenly decided God wasn't right, and He wasn't fair, and that Scott knew better than God. It made me happy, even though I had to work out today for Life Fatness.... I mean Life Fitness.

Thank you Scott, for a really funny class.

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Take him seriously. I've been through almost every single question he's asked so far before at some point, and I've been serious about them.