Monday, November 22, 2004

Mouse Adventure, Part 5

(Just kidding, that wasn't the last mouse post. Hey, I didn't know there would be a sequel.)

So, Abby's in here studying today, and she sees the mouse scurry around. I wasn't around, but I can imagine her reaction. She quickly went to study elsewhere. She called and put in a work order for some mouse traps, but nobody's been here to work on that yet. Why am I not surprised? So Abby, being proactive in her stance against mice, talked to our RD (Brenda) and she agreed to bring her cat (Mufasa) up here for a couple hours tonight, to see if Mufasa has more luck catching mice than all us dumb people. Hopefully it will work. I don't want a mouse running around our room unchecked for the next week. I mean, just think of all the things it could chew up.

Also, Sharon, Matt, and Laura's FYS found a dead mouse in their classroom today. I think someone's watched a little too much "Free Willy" and is going bonkers with the science mice.


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the mouse, but I wanted to say it anyway: I love ya, kid (in a completely straight, non-lesbian way). And Brandon (yes, I told him) and I are both ready to kill... someone... for you. And there's still quite a few unattached men here - you could have one... and you'd get to see me!

~Agent 153.8 1/4 of the CHI

Captain Shar said...

The mouse in our FYS was not from the bio. department, and neither was the one in your room. The bio. mice are white. I should know - I used them in Oxygen, remember? Matt said we should bury the mouse, and I finally had a good comeback - I just gave it to him!

Mackenzie said...

Thanks Jenn. I'd love to come to Taylor next J-term. It feels freaking forever away though.

I know it wasn't REALLY the science mice Sharon, but I felt like saying it anyway.... It's kind of an attractive thought. Someone who cares enough about MICE (of all things!) to free them in a rather spastic manner. What was the comeback?

Captain Shar said...

I didn't say anything at all - just shoved the mouse at him!