Monday, November 15, 2004

The 589th

I thought, for a change, I'd write about something quite serious. Namely, the 589th anniversary of the battle of Agincourt.

I learned last night, to my surprise, that the battle took place in France, not in England. It is the subject of numerous plays, namely Henry V (Shakespeare). It was a battle between England and France. In the Laurence Olivier version of Henry V they all have extremely funny haircuts. It's quite a bloody battle, with the bloody french prince portrayed as a rotten coward. He rode around killing pages and then ran away.

It is thanks to Lucy that I know about this crucial battle. She threw a Battle of Agincourt anniversary party, and we're planning on going to Agincourt for the 600th anniversary. By that time I might be done with college, and Lucy plans to have a fellowship at Oxford or Cambridge. So we'll just pop across the channel for a quick visit, and once more drink rootbeer and eat apples. Hurrah for the Battle of Agincourt!

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

I'll be there too! Agincourt has such a nice ring to it.