Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Communications Class

Communications class was fun today. We brainstormed new names for Messiah. Only requirement, it had to be a University. We came up with such brilliant monikers as:

"The alternative Harvard" University
Phipps University
Issachar's U
"f" U ("where we love Jesus!")
The University
Dirty Dancin' U
I'm Good University
Chapel University
Lottie Nelson University
Chickens Go Here University
"The Real Duke" University
Exodus U
Seven flags U
"M-town" U,
Yahweh U
Yellow Britches University (Especially funny if you know it's supposed to be Yellow Breeches)
Purple Monkey Washers U

and my personal favorite, a contribution of Ben:
"Remember that time Bob Dylan came to Messiah College and he played a concert and there were so many people and the line was out the door? That was awesome." University.

It brought down the house.

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