Friday, September 01, 2006

i write out of indigestion

We did a choral reading in Advanced Writing yesterday, and that was my sentence to say.

Classes are interesting. Life is hectic. I miss my people, but it's OK. We're having a riotous good time at the Bertram house, especially after 11. That's when everyone gets a collective attack of the munchies and we congregate in the kitchen for (mostly junk) food and hilarity. Last night's topic was very petunia. [See that? Take note! Take warning! This is going to be pretty girly] In point of fact, we were discussing lingerie parties, and how Ruth would probably love one before she got married, but Bethy most certainly would not (she threatened to be permanently the color of our scarlet table cloth if we dared throw her one). And we decided the best lingerie of all was obviously a ski suit, complete with mask and goggles.

OK. Petunia over. As time rolled closer to midnight, Jessie got out the keebler cookies (you know the ones shaped like elves with chocolate in the middle?). She grabbed a cookie, poured a mug of milk, and dunked the elf in it, telling us that it was impossible to eat an elf-shaped cookie any other way. Then she started making glubbing and drowning noises as she dunked the hapless cookies one by one headfirst in her mug of milk. And we died laughing. Jessie has these great hand motions, and this great infectious laugh that you can hear half a mile away, so we just couldn't help it.

And you know? The best stress-reliever of all is laughing. Exercise seems to work for some people, music for others, but gosh, have a good laugh and you'll be surprised how many muscles relax and how energized you feel. It's like spiritual healing from homework. It's fabulous. (I never thought anyone could manage to use that word in a non-gay-sounding way, but Jessie manages it, somehow.)

The weather here is also fabulous.

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

It IS Ruth Kitchin, but it's Jess Frederick (AKA Lewis, don't ask me why). Ruth is totally gung-ho about the idea, actually. But maybe that was just the late-at-night speaking.