Sunday, September 10, 2006

you may be a short order cook, fixing grits and toast

So yesterday my throat hurt, and today I woke up with a full-blown cold. Probabilities are high that tomorrow I will feel even worse. However, with the ongoing aid of cold medicine, kleenex, juice, soup, naps, and easy mac, I can hopefully make it through classes tomorrow and avoid it becoming a sinus infection. And I keep telling myself that it could be so much worse. I could have strep throat or the flu instead (puking in the mac lab is not encouraged). But I am a little grumpy, let's be honest. Professor Dzaka said he wasn't feeling well on Friday, so I probably have the same thing he's got.

I only have Digital Studio homework yet, and hopefully I'll be home and in bed by 10 or so. That would make me happy and probably kill a few cold germs.

Loves to everyone...
The Kenzie


Liz said...

Get well soon!
Yeah, I'm just commenting basically to comment.

Anonymous said...

I think I am cursed. Have you noticed that every time we arrange to meet, you suffer some sort of ailment (See also, the frisbee incident)? This is bad. Very bad.
I hope you feel better soon, and the current trend does not continue.

Mackenzie said...

But see, we hung out on Friday, and I didn't start getting sick until Saturday. And by the laws of germ theory, it's impossible that I caught them from you or anyone else that day (don't colds take at least three days to incubate before you show symptoms?)