Monday, September 25, 2006

i am going to steal me a geniune pirate peg-leg

Right after I finish all my crapping homework. In the good news department, I've finished everything that'd actually due for a class tomorrow. Also, I "fixed" the sunroof on my car, all by myself, without going out and having to find a mechanic or something. And by "fixed," I mean that it doesn't actually work, but it's not stuck open anymore. And that was all I really wanted. I should also check the oil, now that I'm thinking about it... remind me, will you?

I think it must be bad that after reading essays about photography, all I can think is, "he didn't know much about postmodernism, did he?" It was an essay by Bill Jay, and I think he had reasonable advice, but I disagree completely with the theoretical framework he used to get there. Is that odd? Anyway.

Yeah, I don't really have interesting news. I just felt like talking, because I feel mildly sane today. And being mildly sane is so great I thought I'd share it with all of you.

Although maybe I should join the wave of D&D blogging. And say that when I give out points, I'm really giving out Pretty Pony RPG point. Pretty sure Ruth, Jess, and Bethy are secretly level 3 by now.


Liz said...

Check the oil!

I don't really have any interesting comment. But HEY anyway. Also, I love you. And it rocks my face that you fixed the sunroof.

Liz said...

Check the oil!

I don't really have any interesting comment. But HEY anyway. Also, I love you. And it rocks my face that you fixed the sunroof.