Friday, September 15, 2006

to limn

OK. This is not going to be a whiny post. This is going to be a freaking angry post. This, this right here, this is me ranting. OK, go ahead, laugh, but I'm going to be angry anyway.

Don't you hate it when you wake up in the morning, look at all the work you did last night, and say, "I can't believe I spent five hours making that." Because, y'know, in the light of day it looks like crap.

I'm so tempted to just say "I'm dropping the art major." Because let's face it, I don't have talent. And I'm tired of beating my head against a brick wall. The only problem with this? I might suck at English, too, and just not know it yet. I got a B+ on my summer collage. A B+. From Helen Walker. Who likes me. And no one laughed at the noire bit! Not one single person! It's like they've never even seen "Double Indemnity" or listened to Garrison Keiller's rendition of "Guy Noire." I suck and I hate it and I'm ready to be done with the sucking now, OK? Do you hear me, cosmic power with the sadistic sense of humor?

Ok. I'm calm. I swear I'm calm. "Sadistic" reminds me of a funny story from Comp. Theory. Some kid was talking about a German word that means "to take pleasure in another's pain," and how we don't have a word for that in English. And Liz Larribee, who's pretty much amazing, jumps in with, "Sadism?"

There, you happy? Funny story. See, I may be pissed, but I still have a sense of humor, OK? So take that.

P. S. So now I went to Comp. Theory and discovered that hey, WE'RE NOT ACTUALLY HAVING CLASS! So I lost sleep for homework that's NOT EVEN DUE UNTIL MONDAY! I have a few hysterical-type giggles bubbling up inside somewhere. Along with a lot of crying. And the urge to nap relentlessly.


jemmo said...

Aw... I'm sorry. I hate it when that happens (and it happens all the time to me). If it makes you feel better, Roy read most of my poetry last night (the stuff I never wanted him to see because it's crap? Yeah, that stuff). And... it's your birthday in four days (your "prezint" might be a little late). We won't be teenagers any more! And for thirteen days, I'm going to call you old. All this to say: I love you, don't give up the art major, you definitely don't suck, and I promise I will actually send you a real e-mail one of these days.

brenderlin said...

Everybody hates their own work. Especially geniuses (geniusii?) I mean, if you're completely in love with your own work, then you're probably just a d-bag, and everyone hates you (but you're too in love with yourself to notice that).

Keep it up Mackenzie. Getting a B+ does NOT mean you suck at writing.

Captain Shar said...

Good things come to those who keep trying. I'm currently in an "I'll write when it's due for class" phase, which really means "I'm not writing at all this September 'cause nothing's due until October."

90% of everybody's stuff is awful and ought to be chopped, sliced, and put into a salad.