Sunday, September 03, 2006

these fragile bodies of touch and taste

So. I had an ER scare, but it was OK because in the end I didn't actually have to go to the ER. Basically, freshmen have bad aim, and I got hit in the neck/base of the skull with a frisbee on Friday night, and had a lot of symptoms that mean you need to go get an MRI... but they started getting better after a coupla hours, so I didn't go after all. Also, a completely charming boy flattered me and said it must have been the ol' hit-a-pretty-girl-with-a-frisbee-so-you-can-talk-to-her trick. He's a ridiculous boy, but also funny.

And Liz called me yesterday, which made my day. We decided we need to have flings this semester, so I've been making a list of possible candidates (and by "possible" I mean it would be really funny to start dating them randomly). There's Ethan, a charming articulate English boy who's in my Composition Theory class (English as in English major, not as in from England), and there's Chad, who is the base flatterer mentioned above (and obviously not our Chad, who is happily married). And I'm so going to rue mentioning them by name when I find out they have girlfriends or are completely unsuitable for dating, but what the heck, you only live once. And if we're going to have flings, they might as well be unwise flings (because that's the purpose of a fling).

Our house has been rocking on its foundations the past couple of days. Veronica's boyfriend Tony came to visit (wow, that sounds kind of bad, doesn't it? But I didn't mean it that way), and we threw a couple of birthday parties, so people were running in and out and in and out and playing guitars (Chad also plays very nice guitar and makes up his own music. Cool, no?) and making curries and stir fries and cakes and tea and hot chocolate and watching Firefly (Ruth has the whole thing on DVD, so I can finish watching it! Woot!) and having drama over boys (Both Kristin and Jess are dealing with guys who want to date them but they don't want to date. Poor things. They both have a mantra of "boys are stupid. We hate boys. Boys are dumb" going on, just about 24/7). It's pretty fantastic. And Bethy's fiance is both the sweetest and the most sarcastic person on the face of the earth. He comes and picks her up for two dates in two days with real roses (one white and three red). And then makes fun of everyone. But since Bethy likes him so much, I think we're all OK with that.

Anyway, all that goes to say that it's a miracle I've gotten any homework done at all. And that I don't think this year is going to be boring at all. And also, I don't think I'll have trouble meeting new people... there are tons over at our house, all the time. The nice thing about that is that if I feel claustrophobic or un-people-ish, all I have to do is retreat upstairs (where boys are absolutely taboo, and even the girl guests kind of stay out). So it's a totally nonthreatening environment to meet people in.

Also, there are advantages to living with two senior English majors. 1) they know all the answers to my classes, and 2) they diagram sentences late at night as a joke. I think that might be one of THE most FABULOUS things I've ever heard.


Captain Shar said...

Sounds splendid. And I love ripping off of people who've taken the class before. It certainly helped when I switched majors.

jemmo said...

w00t! for your roommates and the awesomeness of the house. Also, did you really just speculate about having flings? This requires supervision (or at least an audience). I'm coming to visit. Right now. Today. Or, um, maybe at fall break. Anyway, it sounds like you're having a lovely time, so cheerio, old bean! (And tell Veronica and Tony to knock it off. And tell your senior English majors that they are abso-fricking-lutely amazing.)

Unknown said...

But... But... I'M Chad.

This is going to get confusing... my fairly unique/uncommon name is ruined.

Mackenzie said...

Jenn, you are so absolutely welcome to come visit me any time. We have a whole huge house and everything, so that's pretty awesome. Also, if my fling is supervised, isn't that kind of counter-fling-ish? Makes it sound so organized and rational.

It's OK, Chad. It won't get confusing unless I start dating this other Chad-person. Then I might have to nickname one or the other. Preferably something dignified like "Pookums" or "Sweetcakes" or "Pudding Puff." I know all guys out there want nicknames just like that.