Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i don't have a line of prospects that can give some kind of peace

Can I just say - yes, again - that I flipping love the new Jars of Clay album?

Ooh, I had this fabulous excerpt from "Occam's Razor" that I was going to 'read' to you, but it'll have to wait until next time, because I kind of forgot to bring the book with me to the computer lab. He writes pretty much some of the funniest diatribes about contemporary photographic criticism that I've ever heard. (Granted, he is the first contemporary photo critic I've ever read)

I agreed to talk to Prof. Perrin's FYS classes tomorrow. Now I'm kind of kicking myself. Because here I am, one day before hand, and I have no idea what to say. And I know that I'm going to get up there and just blank. I'd really like to bring in physical objects to pass around to illustrate what I'm talking about, but I'm not sure what I'm saying, so it makes it kind of hard ot find physical objects. Prof Perrin suggested talking about the way poetry affects my life both intellectually and imaginatively, and that it's relevant to me and stuff. So I thought, since poetry is all about investing the abstract into the concrete, I would bring in physical objects to invest my talk in. So by example, not just words, I'm showing them that poetry can be relevant. Tricky, eh? Eh?

Anyway. So I would make a silly and ridiculous professor. So what? Don't stare, it isn't polite.

I like that my housemates laugh when I open my mouth and say ridiculous things. And that we have crazy dance parties in the kitchen while we're making dinner. And that we have tea-time. And it's just really nice to be able to talk to a fellow double major about the problems. I think we should start a support group for doubel majors. I'm really kind of getting sad that I'm going to Italy, and that they're graduating....

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Oh, you can do it.

If I can pitch a horror film to my huge Producing class who are pretending to be hospital managers and try to "sell" it as socially conscious so they'll give me a location, for a grade, with two other people who are not quite stellar public speakers (but not bad either), you can certainly have a nice little chat for your favorite professor about something you love. You're not even getting graded!