Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"oh man, i think i just blogged. did i blog? i'm sorry, internets. i'm sorry for blogging."

-Jeph Jacques

I decided today that I don't have time for a fling. Work is piling up at a ridiculous rate. And by "ridiculous rate," I really meant to say "eat-your-soul-cry-every-day-decide-to-become-a-nun ridiculous rate."

Also, I am a bad person. I saw Dr. Miller in the hallway today and purposefully tried not to catch his eye and be absorbed in my day planner because I was afraid he'd ask me about my spiritual life and I'd end up doing a lot of silly crying and things. So tomorrow I'm going to go visit him to make up for it. Because he's a super amazing person and I really do like him a lot, I just don't like talking about my spiritual life. Because I tend to cry. Sometimes I wish I believed in penance. Anyway. That was my "Sorry internets for blogging" moment of the day.

So I'm going to go do my work instead of whining about it. How's that sound? Good. Loves to all and I really miss you....
The Kenzie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you say a day planner? You mean you're not writing all over yourself with reminders and things to do in ink so you look like one great big body tatoo? What's up with that? A day planner, are you sure?!?!?!