Monday, July 25, 2005

those who know don't have the words to tell/and those with the words don't know too well

Today was a very long day. Not much happened. I woke up late. Barely made it to work. Went to work, spent eleven hours there. Came home. Ate dinner. Read the paper. Now I'm blogging. Fascinating.



Ha. It went over so well last time that I thought I'd say it again.

The best quote from work today (thank Barbara for bringing it to my attention): "He has spaghetti in his foot and needs to be seen right away."

Alabama summers have only three temperature variations: Not Bad, Hot, and Well Nigh Unbearable. We're into Unbearable territory now. The heat index in the past couple days hit 113, and then the next day it hit 105. And we're not even into August yet.

Ooh, irony: a patient called in today, and I thought it was hilariously ironic that he had an accent almost identical to the one Matt used in his movie... except that it was completely natural. Yeah. That was pretty funny.

Loves to all.

"Why should I be any less susceptible to foolishness than anyone else?"

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