Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"Never Mind What the Government Said... They're Either Lying or They've Been Misled..."

Boo for Freaking Big Test tomorrow.

Yay for babysitting cool kids tonight.

Boo for studying for two hours.

Yay for lots of food and fireworks.

Boo for needing sleep.

Yay for understanding friends who don't mind me ranting at them periodically.

Yay for no more being ridiculously depressed.

Yay for good long distance phone plans.

Yay for letters and packages.

Yay for random James Bond movies. And random cable. And random songs stuck in my head.

And you know what? Life is good. Quite good right now, despite the Ridiculously Big Test of Doom.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Yay for lists!

Boo for tests!

Yay for James Bond!