Thursday, October 05, 2006

to sleep, perhance to dream, aye, there's the rub

You might accidentally not get up when your alarm goes off. And get ten hours of sleep, which is great, but I really needed to be in the darkroom instead.

My norton anthology was actually funny last night. It was talking about the crazy consecutive changes in religion that happened in England during the reign of Henry VIII (took catholicism into his own hands, away from the pope) and his children (very very protestant son, very very catholic daughter, conservative protestant daughter who made the church more like the anglican church is today). Now, those changes in and of themselves may not be funny, but the editor's conclusion is: "It was enough to make people wary. Or skeptical. Or extremely agile."

Now, if there's one thing I expect from the norton anthology, it's boredom (and it always, faithfully, delivers). Who knew that the editors were actually human, with a sense of humor and the guts to insert a joke into the anthology of doom (I swear, that thing weighs as much as a hippo)?


jemmo said...

Elephant. Especially the English lit one. And do they actually have a joke in there? I think I'm going to have a heart attack or... something strange and anomalous (is that a word? it is now). Someone had to have gotten fired for that.

PS - sleeping through your alarm... or skipping all your classes... is definitely a good thing. and not one that I would ever do. Never. Especially not Tuesday. Nope.

jemmo said...

PPS - the dice survey decided I was a 'radio test yields 1.' What on earth is that?

Captain Shar said...

Hehe. That's kind of like my boringest class ever actually having a rather sane discussion of postmodernism, and then letting out early, this week.