Friday, October 06, 2006

"steve, why is the golem making out with a car?"

Ok, so, I'm headed to Philly! Wooh! I'll be back on... Saturday night sometime. And Sunday will be spent doing ridiculous amounts of homework.

I thought of another way to inconvenience awkward makeout couples. Walk up to any making-out couple (go on, there are plenty of them around, just try and choose a nonviolent looking pair), and deliver, with as much panache as you can muster, a strange sex fact. Statistics would also probably work, as long as they were sufficiently bizarre. I haven't quite worked out the best method of leaving the scene, however. Further advice will be forthcoming.

Annie Dillard's advice to young writers: "Never, ever get yourself into a situation where you have nothing to do but write and read. You'll go into depression. You have to be doing something good for the world, something undeniably useful; you need exercise, too, and people."

My favorite new factoid about the Spartan women of old? They were apparently called "those who dare to reveal their thighs" by other, less bold, greek women. Factoid brought to you by Ruth, official broadener of horizons of the Simple Living House. Yes, we actually started a facebook group about our house, titled "Simple (simply crazy) living house"... with rather pointed disclaimers that "'crazy living' does not include drinking, smoking, wild sex, or any other violation of the community covenant." Just to make that clear. Although we do tend to discuss infractions of the community covenant fairly frequently.

Ok, it's off to get more of my favorite caffeinery sauce (and change the laundry).


Andrew said...

The world needs more Beaver and Steve.

Heck, we need more golems, too.

But not cars. We have enough of them.

Mackenzie said...

I concur. Completely. Except that the world needs more cars to be more affordable.