Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"style is being yourself," quentin crisp said, "but on purpose."

And Crystal Downing has plenty of it (style, that is... although probably purpose too). She did a reading tonight of some of her film articles, and it was actually really interesting. And she got choked up at the end of one of her articles, which I think is the cutest thing ever. She can't be that scary if she gets choked up. She's also a lot funnier when she's not in class. I don't think I actually believed that she had a sense of humor before. My favorite quote from the night? "I saw Chicken Run and thought, 'That is a perfect example of postmodern communitarism.' " Haven't the faintest what communitarism is, but it was definitely funny. It made me feel better about connecting John Donne and the Vagina Monologues in my research paper for Med. Ren. Lit.

I was trying to figure out today why I felt like crap, and then I realized: since Sunday, I've gotten fifteen hours of sleep (sixteen if you count the day I couldn't stay awake in Med. Ren. Lit.). And then I also realized I'd only had a cup of coffee for breakfast this morning at 6 (I loathe breakfast foods), and it was, at the time of this rumination, 1:30 p.m. Hm, four hours of sleep... no food... yeah, that would be why my body hates me.

I'm rather proud of myself that I haven't broken down or cried at all yet. There's certainly plenty of pressure, and I was late with all of my projects for my workstudy job, and I asked for an extension in Photography II (first extension I have ever asked for in my entire life), and still not a tear. And I still have three large projects to finish for tomorrow and Friday. Here's hoping the spell of calmness lasts. I have got to get a full night's sleep tonight, though, or I'm going to lose it.

Another professorial quote that gets full marks: "Mina Shaughnessy is so way cool - but she's dead." -Jean Corey. Maybe it was the delivery. Speaking of delivery, did you know Liz Laribee once accidentally mailed something to Croatia?

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

I've asked for an extension before. No need to be ashamed.