Monday, November 14, 2005

Tomorrow will officially be the 1 year anniversary of this blog. So, if short stories are like dating relationships, and novels are like getting married, what is a blog like?


Liz said...

Hmm. That's a good question. Maybe a blog is one of those really long relationships in which you break up and make up repeatedly. That would explain the many short entries.

Or something.

brenderlin said...

Friends with "Benefits"

Andrew said...

You know that one person in that one class? The person you never talk to but you always seem to notice, like, all over the place? Yeah. Blogging is like dealing with that.

Captain Shar said...

A symbiotic relationship.

Mackenzie said...

Saying "a symbiotic relationship" doesn't really work, because dating and marriage are sort of symbiotic relationships. At least marriage is.

It could be like breaking up and making up all the time.... but I think I lean toward's that one person in that one class that you never talk to but you notice, like, all over the place. Except in this case I do talk to it all the time.

Maybe blogging is like plain old friendship.

jemmo said...

A one-night stand.